Struggle Is illusion

The phenomenon of feeling like we're struggling when, in reality, we might not be, is a reflection of the complex dance between our perceptions and reality. Often, this sensation arises not from an actual lack of progress or ability, but from the harsh standards we set for ourselves, the comparison with others' journeys, or the weight of our own expectations. In truth, we might be moving steadily toward our goals, but our focus on the hurdles, rather than the milestones, paints a skewed picture of stagnation. This conflict between feelings and facts is a common human experience, arising from our innate drive to seek improvement and fear of failure. 

In reality, many of the difficulties we face are temporary and can be overcome with time, effort, and a shift in perspective. By taking a step back and examining our situations more objectively, we can often see that what we are experiencing is not as terrible as it may feel. This realization can be empowering, as it reminds us of our resilience and ability to overcome obstacles. Ultimately, recognizing that the sensation of struggling is often an illusion can empower us to continue moving forward with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism.

Redefining Struggle

Struggle seems like a big, scary word that makes us think of tough times and big obstacles in our way. But what if we looked at struggle differently? Instead of seeing it as something bad, we can think of it as a chance to learn and grow. Imagine each struggle is just like a puzzle that helps us get smarter and stronger when we figure it out. Instead of getting scared or upset when we face a struggle, we can get excited because it's an opportunity to get better at something.

Many times, we think things are too hard because we're afraid to try or scared of failing. But the real challenge is often just in our heads. Once we decide to face our struggles head-on, we realize they aren't as scary as we thought. In fact, by working through difficulties, we learn how to solve problems, and that makes us more confident. So, next time something seems hard, remember it's just a chance to learn and show yourself what you're capable of. Struggle isn't the enemy; it's actually it is our hinding friend, helping us grow and succeed.

Overcoming Struggles

Overcoming struggles can feel really tough, but with some simple tactics, you can get through them stronger and smarter. Here are a few practical strategies to help you to overcome your struggles.

 Break It Down: Sometimes, our struggles feel huge because we look at them as one big problem. Try to break it down into smaller parts. It's like eating a big sandwich one bite at a time. Tackle each small part one by one, and you'll find the whole thing is much more manageable.

Ask for Help: Remember, asking for help isn't a sign of weakness; it's smart. There are people out there—friends, family, teachers—who want to see you succeed , so don't be afraid to reach out.

Stay Positive: Keeping a positive mindset is crucial. It's easy to get dragged down by negative thoughts, but try to look for the postive part in your struggles; it will definitely help us Overcoming negative emotions about struggles. Might Be, A positive attitude can turn a struggle into an opportunity.

Make a Plan: Write down what's troubling you and then create a step-by-step plan to tackle it. Having a plan gives you a roadmap to follow and makes the struggle seem less intimidating. It's like having a gold map; it directs your steps one at a time towards your goal.

Give Yourself Time: Remember, it's okay to not have everything figured out right away. Sometimes, we overcome struggles through patience and time. Like planting a seed and waiting for it to grow, some solutions take time to develop. Don't rush; give yourself the space to grow and learn at your own pace.

By using these simple tactics, you can face your struggles head-on and come out on the other side stronger and wiser. It's all about taking it one step at a time, asking for help when you need it, staying positive, planning, and allowing yourself the time to overcome challenges.

Changing Perceptions To Overcome Struggles

In our journey through life, we often view obstacles as barriers blocking our path. But what if we saw them differently? Ryan Holiday, in his insightful book "The Obstacle Is the Way," encourages us to shift our perspective. Instead of viewing hurdles as impossible, we learn to see them as opportunities to grow stronger and wiser. Imagine a big stone in the road. Instead of lamenting its presence or giving up, we can search for a way around it, or even find tools to break it into manageable pieces. This approach not only helps us overcome the challenge at hand but also prepares us for future obstacles, turning us into problem-solving experts.

To truly make this shift in perception, Holiday suggests embracing the mantra "the obstacle is the way." This means fully accepting whatever comes our way and using it to our advantage. For example, if you're facing a tough situation at work, instead of feeling down or defeated, ask yourself, "What can this teach me?" Perhaps it's an opportunity to develop patience, learn a new skill, or even to innovate a solution that wouldn't have occurred to you otherwise. By changing our mindset to view struggles not as hindrances but as stepping stones, we equip ourselves with the resilience and resourcefulness needed to navigate life's challenges more smoothly and emerge victorious on the other side.

End Notes 

In Viktor Frankl's Book "Man's Search for Meaning," he profoundly illustrates that while we may feel overwhelmed by life's challenges, we are not defined by our struggles. Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, reflects on his experiences in Nazi concentration camps, where he observed that those who found meaning and purpose, even in the face of extreme suffering, were able to endure and persevere. He suggests that by finding meaning in our suffering, we can transcend it and discover a deeper sense of self and purpose.


1. Struggle Is illusion:
- Feeling of struggling may not arise from lack of progress or ability, but from harsh self-standards, comparison with others, or weight of expectations.
- By objectively examining situations, the feeling of struggling is often seen as an illusion, empowering us to move forward with optimism.

2. Redefining Struggle:
- Struggle can be seen as a chance to learn and grow, like a puzzle to help us get smarter and stronger.
- Facing struggles head-on helps us learn problem-solving and gain confidence.

3. Overcoming Struggles:
- Strategies for overcoming struggles include breaking problems down, asking for help, staying positive, making a plan, and allowing oneself time to grow.
- Facing struggles head-on with these tactics can lead to emerging stronger and wiser.

4. Changing Perceptions To Overcome Struggles:
- Viewing obstacles as opportunities to grow and become problem-solving experts shifts our perception of struggles.
- Embracing the mantra 'the obstacle is the way' enables us to navigate life's challenges more smoothly and emerge victorious.

5. End Notes:
- We are not defined by our struggles, but can transcend them by finding meaning and purpose in our suffering.
- Reflecting on the experiences of Holocaust survivors highlights the power of finding meaning in suffering to endure and persevere.


1. Obstacle Is The Way : Ryan Haliday

2. Man Searching For Meaning : Dr. Victor Frankel

Rohan Mundhe

Passionate writer exploring the realms of self-help, personal development, and spirituality.