
 We often heard about mindfulness and meditation but we never give importance to such things, we thought that they are just useless things or we relate this with spirituality. Some of might decide to do the meditation but they just keep saying ‘ I will try meditation from tomorrow”.  This Article is not something you don’t know but just writing to make you aware about meditation.   

Nowadays people are too depressed, stressed and involved in the overthinking about past and future. Some people are not at all remains conscious or they haven’t have any self awareness left about the things that they are doing.  Might be this article is for them only. 

Understand what is meditation. 

Some people thinks that closing eyes and concentration on breath is meditation, but actually it is not. Meditation is reflecting our own thoughts , without getting into them. For that people focus on the breath so that they return back if some thought arises in there mind. 

Assume you are in traffic and there are lot of taxis going in front of you. Taxies are just similar to the thought in the mind. So you just have to observe  the taxies that are going in traffic , you don’t have to go sit in that taxi. Similar thing happen inside in our mind, Our mind have lot of thought just like taxies , we just have to observe or reflect the thought and don’t have to go trough the thought.  This is simplest example that I can give to you for better understanding about thoughts and mind.  

Our mind do some activity because some activity gives reward to us , so what  reward can meditation give to us? 

Decrease the overthinking  


Promotes emotional health 

Increase the attention spam  

Helps to keep focus for longer time. 

Decrease the negative thoughts in the mind. 

Stay productive throughout the day. 

Helping to stay at present moment.  

Give relaxation to our full body 

Increase the gratitude towards other.  Etc….. 

There are lot of benefits of doing  meditation everyday. Worlds top leaders and top business peoples also do meditation to maintain there mental health good.  Reason why we don’t meditate is we never taught such things in school or by our parents. Some People don’t know what is going on in there life , actually they need self-awareness to get to know about what is going on in there life and that’s the reason meditation is most expensive or effective tool to get back. 

I did meditation for 20 minutes for 25 days and it changes most of things. I am not at all saying if you start doing meditation your life will change completely and you will achieve greatness in the life, but yes you may see changes in yourself after doing mediation for longer period of time(3 months). 

So at least spend 15 minutes a day to meditate. Initially it so hard to do meditation so start with 5 minutes and then add 5 minutes after successive 2 weeks.  




Rohan Mundhe

Passionate writer exploring the realms of self-help, personal development, and spirituality.