Love is Not Love In Modern Time.
Your Friends Have Girlfriends Or Boyfriends; They Do Love, They Do Spend Time Together But You Haven't Have Any One To Be Like Them, Right? This feeling might drift us to forcefully involved you In love drama even we are not a tall deeply attached with that person.
I Called It " Surface Love".
Nowadays, The Definition Of Love Is Totally Changed. The Little Bonding Between Two Persons Is Consider To Be Love, It Is Not A Tall Remain What It Use To Be In Ancient Time. From My Perceptive, People Decide To Involve Themself In Such Things Because They Find It Intresting To Have Good Time Pass. Saying That You Love Someone Is Not Appreaing To Be Love; It's Might Be 95% Chance To Be Self Benifits. This Whole Idea About The Modern World Love Might Be Damaging Your Self Esteem. There Might Be Chance That You May Like Something, But You Consider Or Tagged It As A Love. Considering Whole This Scenario, I Am Here To Give You Some Insights On This Perticular Topic To Make You Aware Of True, Geniune, Authentic Love In Modern World.
Defination Of Love From Ancient Time.
True love is a deep and genuine feeling of affection and care towards someone, where you value their happiness as much as your own. It's not just about feeling good when you're with that person, but also wanting the best for them, even if it means making sacrifices on your part. True love means being there for each other through thick and thin, supporting and understanding each other no matter what life throws your way. It's about building a strong bond that goes beyond superficial attractions or short-term desires, creating a connection that is based on mutual respect, trust, and shared values.
Moreover, true love involves a profound level of commitment and loyalty. It's choosing to stay by someone's side, even during the toughest times, and working together to overcome challenges. It's not just about the big romantic gestures, but also the small daily acts of kindness and care that show your partner they are valued and loved. True love grows over time, strengthened by experiences shared and obstacles overcome together, leading to a deep and lasting relationship that is enriching and fulfilling for both partners.
Impact it Produces
Impact On Carrier
Fake love can have a significant negative impact on a person's career. When someone is involved in a relationship based on deceit or insincerity, it can lead to emotional stress and distract them from their professional goals. This distraction can manifest as a lack of focus, reduced productivity, and even absenteeism from work due to emotional turmoil. Moreover, the effort to maintain a facade in a personal relationship can consume a lot of energy and time that could otherwise be invested in career development or professional opportunities. In essence, being entangled in fake love can divert a person's path from achieving their full potential in their career, making it harder to pursue success and personal fulfillment.
Impact On Self Esteem.
The impact of fake love on self-esteem can be deeply harmful. When someone experiences love that isn't genuine, it can lead them to question their worth and value as an individual. This questioning often stems from wondering why they aren't enough to earn sincere affection or commitment. Such feelings can erode self-confidence, making it hard for the person to feel good about themselves or trust in their own worth. Over time, this can create a cycle of negative self-talk and diminished self-esteem, making it difficult for the person to engage in healthy relationships or pursue personal goals with confidence. Essentially, fake love can lead someone to doubt their own worthiness of love and respect, which is foundational to a strong sense of self-esteem.
Impact On Mental Issues.
Fake love can take a heavy toll on mental health. It often leads to feelings of confusion, betrayal, and a deep sense of loneliness. When someone believes they are cherished, only to find out the affection is not genuine, it can spark a range of emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, and trust issues. This kind of emotional rollercoaster disrupts a person's sense of stability and safety, making it hard to connect with others genuinely or feel secure in future relationships. Essentially, the experience of fake love can cause a person to guard their heart closely, fearing to be hurt again, which can isolate them and exacerbate feelings of loneliness and sadness.
Avoiding instant gratification.
Avoiding instant gratification, especially in terms of fake or temporary love, means not rushing into relationships or emotional connections just for quick happiness or to fill a void. Sometimes, the excitement of a new romance can make us ignore whether it's truly genuine or lasting. It's like choosing a candy bar for a quick sugar rush instead of a nutritious meal that keeps you healthy in the long run. Opting for relationships that might not have a strong emotional foundation, just because they feel good in the moment, can lead to heartache and feeling empty when the initial excitement fades. It's important to take time to understand your feelings and the other person's intentions, aiming for relationships that are fulfilling and supportive over time, rather than looking for immediate satisfaction that doesn't last.
Spending Emotions Energy Wisely.
In life, we are often advised to treat our time and money wisely, investing them in things that matter most to us. But what about our emotional energy? Just like money,emotional energy is a finite resource that we should invest thoughtfully, especially when it comes to relationships.
Imagine your emotional energy as a currency that you can spend on different aspects of your life, including friendships. Just as you would carefully choose where to invest your money for the best returns, it's crucial to invest your emotional energy in meaningful relationships.
Meaningful relationships are like investments that yield high returns in terms of happiness, support, and personal growth. These relationships are built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding, and they nourish us emotionally, helping us navigate life's ups and downs with greater resilience.
On the other hand, investing your emotional energy in toxic or one-sided relationships is like throwing your money away on a bad investment. Theser elationships drain you emotionally, leaving you feeling depleted and unfulfilled.
By treating your emotional energy like money and investing it in meaningfulr elationships, you can cultivate a support system that enriches your life. Choose friends who uplift and inspire you, who celebrate your successes and stand by you during tough times. These are the relationships that will bring you the greatest returns on your emotional investment.
Making Love Defination More Clear.
Before diving into any relationship, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what making love truly means beyond just a physical act. Making love is a profound expression of deep affection and connection between two people, where both emotional and physical aspects are intertwined. It's about being fully present with each other, sharing vulnerability, and creating a bond that goes beyond superficial attractions or momentary pleasures. This intimate act should be rooted in genuine feelings, mutual respect, and a strong sense of trust. When both partners have a shared definition and respect for making love, it can enhance the emotional depth and overall quality of the relationship.